Intro to Scripture Meditation

In my own engagement with the Word of God, I generally think of 3 ways of personally looking at Scripture: reading, studying, and meditation. With reading, I think of reading or listening to larger portions of God’s Word – perhaps a chapter, a few chapters, or even an entire book in one sitting. Through a...


Augustine, Saint. Confessions (Sheed & Ward, 1943), accessed May 12, 2023, Bennett, Arthur. The Valley of Vision: a Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions (Banner of Truth, 1975). Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Life Together (Harper & Row, 1954). ———. The Cost of Discipleship (Touchstone,1995). Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint. On Loving God, accessed May 12, 2023,

When You Have Extra Time

Here are a few ideas if you have extra time. Remember, the goal in your time with God is not to try to “accomplish” a long list of activities. The goal is to abide in Christ, engage whole-heartedly with God in prayer, and meditate on His Word. Praise — Grab a hymnal or songbook, sing...

Being Present

“Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” One of Jesus’ final promises and blessings to His disciples was to be present — to be with them always. Every moment, God is present with us. Yet, it is so easy for us to not live in this reality. Trying to do...

Life Inventory

This activity helps you take a look at many different aspects of your life. It can be helpful in considering facets of your life not always at the forefront of your mind.  Start by downloading and printing the linked PDF below. Pause to commit this time of reflection to God. Ask for His help in...

Themes of the Year

This activity focuses on keywords or descriptors, and uses these words to aid reflection and prayer. Because of this, it and may feel slightly more abstract than the other activities. Looking Back  Pause to commit this time of reflection and prayer to God. Ask for His work and leading as you look back on the...

Personal Timeline

This activity is more concrete and visual, focusing on the chronology of what has happened and how that has impacted you.  Pause to commit this time of reflection and prayer to God. Ask for his help in seeing and remembering what is important for you to process on from last year. Looking Back Looking Forward...

Next Steps After Confession

As we are convicted of sin, confess, and repent, God calls us on to healing, reconciliation, fellowship, and hope. After a time of self-examination and confession, prayerfully process through and consider these follow-up steps. Putting on Christ God calls us to intentionally put to death sin in our lives and put on Christ’s ways and...

Quick Check-In

This is a much shorter activity for self-examination and confession of sin. Set aside at about 30 minutes for this activity. Take some time to pray, asking God to reveal to you the sin in your life and lead you forward in His ways. “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and...

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