Intro to Stillness and Rest

Silence and stillness before God is hard. It seems that our hearts and our minds naturally resist and push away from this aspect of engagement with God. Most of the other spiritual disciplines we practice are more active in nature, so stillness before God doesn’t seem to fit the mold. And yet, when we read...

Be Still and Know

You may find it helpful to read the post Intro to Stillness and Rest before doing this activity for the first time. Stillness before God flows from the restful confidence that he is our Almighty King as well as our present and loving Father. This activity gives a concrete opportunity to foster and practice stillness...

Ideas for Rest

Life-giving rest is a vital part of extended, quality time alone with God. Without it, we often fall into the trap of trying to accomplish a lot, or we may become overly self-focused and introspective. Neither of these are fruitful, because both attitudes result in putting our eyes on ourselves rather than on Jesus. We...

Being Present

“Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” One of Jesus’ final promises and blessings to His disciples was to be present — to be with them always. Every moment, God is present with us. Yet, it is so easy for us to not live in this reality. Trying to do...

When You Have Extra Time

Here are a few ideas if you have extra time. Remember, the goal in your time with God is not to try to “accomplish” a long list of activities. The goal is to abide in Christ, engage whole-heartedly with God in prayer, and meditate on His Word. Praise — Grab a hymnal or songbook, sing...

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