Themes of the Year

This activity focuses on keywords or descriptors, and uses these words to aid reflection and prayer. Because of this, it and may feel slightly more abstract than the other activities.

Looking Back 

Pause to commit this time of reflection and prayer to God. Ask for His work and leading as you look back on the last year and look forward to the coming one.

During the last year, how was life in each of the following areas? In each area, list around three descriptors or feelings that capture some of your experience of the year.
Physical —

Emotional —

Spiritual —

Relationships —

Work/daily life —

Well-being of others around you —


Talk with God about the words you wrote for each area. If any of them feel difficult or emotional, take some extra time to pray about those areas.

God at Work

Then, take a moment to pause and pray along the following lines: Father, open my eyes to see last year from your perspective and to see how you have been at work. When you are ready, list themes God has been emphasizing in your life, significant scriptures or lessons, ways you have seen him answer or move, ways he has been growing you or others, etc.

Take some time to pray about the ways you’ve seen God working, whether with thanks, confession, adoration, expressing needs, etc.

Putting the Pieces Together

As you look at all you have written so far about the past year, what is in the forefront of your mind? Write a short prayer to God expressing how this last year has been for you. Your good Father knows intimately all that has happened. It is okay if this prayer has mixed emotions — hope and grief, thanks and lament, peace and frustration. It can be helpful even to model your prayer off of a psalm that expresses similar emotions (see Praying the Psalms).

Looking Forward

Do you have any hopes or longings for this coming year? Where do you feel the need of God’s grace and working in the following areas?

Physical —

Emotional —

Spiritual —

Relationships —

Work/daily life —

Well-being of others around you —

Are there any scriptures or truths that you long to live more fully in this year?

Write a prayer to your good Father committing these things to him.

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