
What We Do

Our mission is to encourage the church to daily abide in the fullness of relationship with Jesus by equipping and mentoring brothers and sisters, and by facilitating retreats for deep engagement with God and His Word.

Specifically, we...

  • Teach on the beauty and glory of God
  • Run a variety of spiritual retreats — We help churches, small groups, and individuals connect with God, dwelling deeply on His Word and engaging more fully in prayer.
  • Offer one-on-one and small group discipleship — We follow up with and walk alongside brothers and sisters who desire to grow in an intimate, abiding relationship with Jesus, living by faith day by day.
  • Develop resources for retreats and spiritual disciplines — We see a need for resources that hold steadfastly to the Word of God, encourage a depth of relationship with Jesus, and are concrete and practical.

Our Story

Josh and Rachel Destree served cross-culturally for 10 years before launching Abiding Waters in 2023. Out of God’s work in our own lives and our journey in ministry, we have learned that knowing and walking intimately with our glorious God changes everything. Through Abiding Waters, we now come alongside churches to provide spiritual retreats, resources, and discipleship for deeper engagement with Jesus.

Our Name

The name Abiding Waters flows from two passages of Scripture that capture much of our desire:

  • John 15, where Jesus invites us into a day-by-day relationship of abiding in Him, finding Him to be our source of life, our fruitfulness, and our joy.
  • Jeremiah 17, where God describes the one who trusts in Him as a tree planted by streams of water, vibrant and fruitful even during heat and drought.
Equipping believers for vibrant and fruitful life in Christ