Life Inventory

This activity helps you take a look at many different aspects of your life. It can be helpful in considering facets of your life not always at the forefront of your mind. 

Start by downloading and printing the linked PDF below.

Pause to commit this time of reflection to God. Ask for His help in seeing how you are really doing in the different areas of your life.

In each of the following areas, make a mark on the line that shows how you have been doing in that part of your life over the last 12 months. Each line represents a spectrum — you can make a mark anywhere along the line between the two ends. Marks closer to the smiling face represent areas of your life that have been more positive. Marks closer to the sad face represent areas of your life that have been more difficult over the last 12 months. 

Try to be real and honest with yourself about how things have been going — this allows you to, in turn, engage more fully with God about the different aspects of your life. It may be helpful to write a few notes to yourself regarding areas where there have been significant challenges or joys. It may also be that a particular area has been better or worse at different points in the year — you can make notes of this, too. In each category, we have provided an extra line (labeled “other”) where you can add an additional facet that is relevant to you.

Pause and Look to Jesus

Take a moment to pause and look through your answers to the life inventory. Does anything strike you, or do you notice any themes or patterns? Pause for long enough that you recognize some of your feelings and heart reactions as you consider all that has happened in the past year.

As you reflect, where have you seen God at work in the year? Have you seen God help you or grow you in any of the above areas? How has God used specific passages of Scripture to speak into the different facets of your life? Make notes of these in your journal or on the life inventory next to the appropriate items.


Take some time to talk with God about your responses above. If any of them feel difficult or emotional, take some extra time to pray about these areas. Pray, too, about those areas that have been joyful, or where you have seen God working. God welcomes you to come and knows intimately all that has happened this past year. It is okay for your prayer to have a wide range of emotions: hope, grief, thanks, lament, peace, frustration, joy, etc.

Looking Forward

As you reflect on the past year, what hopes or longings do you have for the coming year? Where do you feel the need of God’s grace and working? This may include desires not only for yourself, but also for those around you, your community, and the world. Write a prayer committing the coming year and these hopes to your good Father.

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