A time of self-examination and confession The following activity is a more in-depth examination of self, and a time of confession and prayer based on 1 John. You will need to set aside at least an hour for this activity, if not more. Committing the Time to God “Search me, O God, and know my...
Month: January 2024
Prayers of the Saints
Use the prayers of those who have gone before us to help prompt and inspire prayer. In addition to the prayers quoted below, there are also very good books that compile prayers and liturgies. Two possibilities include: The Valley of Vision edited by Arthur Bennett, and Every Moment Holy by Douglas Kaine McKelvey. Some devotional...
Prayers in Scripture
Outside the Psalms there are many examples of God’s sons and daughters calling out to him in prayer. These can fuel and guide our prayers for ourselves or for others. Below are a few examples of prayers in Scripture — and there are many more! Choose a prayer that relates to how you would like...
Praying the Psalms
The Psalms are a rich treasure for our times of prayer and communion with God. In them, we find the psalmists calling out to God in the midst of every kind of situation — whether their hearts are joyful, angry, afraid, sorrowful, doubting, discouraged, rejoicing, mourning, troubled, or singing praise. Because of this, the Psalms...
Personal Reflection Questions
Take some time to prayerfully reflect on the following questions and use them to pray through what is currently on your mind and heart.
My Life Backpack
Today, we take time to have a look at what we are “carrying” with us in life. The backpack is a picture to help you bring your whole life before God in prayer. Before beginning your retreat time, please print out a full-page hard copy of the backpack using the PDF below, so you can...
Jesus Withdrawing to Pray
For each of the following passages look at: Luke 4:1-15 — Temptation in the wilderness Mark 1:32-39 — Early in the morning Luke 5:12-16 — Great crowds Luke 6:12-16 — Choosing the apostles Matthew 14:10-23 — Death of John the Baptist and feeding the 5000 (also Mark 6:30-46) Luke 22:39-46 — Before His death
Writing a Personal Liturgy
A personal liturgy gives you the chance to repeatedly spend a dedicated period of time with Scripture portions, hymns, prayers etc. that you treasure. Such a liturgy can be used in connection with your quiet time, throughout the routines of your day, before going to bed, first thing in the morning, or at the beginning...
Book Liturgy Example
Based on The End for Which God Created the Worldby Jonathan Edwards Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.(Psalm 103:1) It appears that when the Bible speaks of the ultimate end of God’s work, it can always be summarized by the one phrase — the glory of God. (102)...
Writing a Book Liturgy
A book liturgy gives you the opportunity to linger on key ideas or themes from a devotional book that God has been using in your life. Like a personal liturgy, you can use it in connection with your quiet time, a time of meditation or prayer, when you wake up in the morning, before going...