Record of Debt

Using Scripture to guide self-examination, confession, and living in light of the Gospel God’s Word is the best tool available to us as we seek to look honestly at our lives and bring our sin back to the cross. In this activity, we will specifically reflect on Colossians 3, asking God to open our eyes...

Search Me, O God

A time of self-examination and confession The following activity is a more in-depth examination of self, and a time of confession and prayer based on 1 John. You will need to set aside at least an hour for this activity, if not more. Committing the Time to God “Search me, O God, and know my...

Quick Check-In

This is a much shorter activity for self-examination and confession of sin. Set aside at about 30 minutes for this activity. Take some time to pray, asking God to reveal to you the sin in your life and lead you forward in His ways. “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and...

Next Steps After Confession

As we are convicted of sin, confess, and repent, God calls us on to healing, reconciliation, fellowship, and hope. After a time of self-examination and confession, prayerfully process through and consider these follow-up steps. Putting on Christ God calls us to intentionally put to death sin in our lives and put on Christ’s ways and...

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