Knitting with a Text

For some, it can be very helpful to do something active while meditating on Scripture. This is one reason why many find the Walking with a Text activity beneficial. In this meditation time, rather than walking, choose a crafting activity that you can do almost without thinking. If the craft requires significant focus or concentration, it is probably not a good activity to pair with Scripture meditation. If it is a craft that you could do while simultaneously holding uninterrupted conversation with a friend, it might be a good fit.

Like walking with the text, this activity works well for passages that you can meditate on a verse by verse or phrase by phrase.

Choose a passage of Scripture and open to it so that you can easily read it while doing the craft.

Begin by committing the time to the Lord in prayer. Feel free to use or adapt the following prayer:

Father, open my eyes to see how your words are relevant and meaningful to me, my situation, and my life.
Bring your truth into my mind.
Bring your hope into my heart.
Lead my desires and my life that I would walk closer with my Shepherd.
As my hands work, help me to be fully surrendered and attentive to you.

As you do your craft, read the first phrase or verse from your chosen passage. Dwell on it and be attentive to how the Scriptures impact your mind and heart.

Don’t rush, take as much time as you need with each sentence, each phrase, each word. When ready, move on to the next phrase or verse. If you find that a particular word, phrase, or idea stirs up thoughts or emotions, take some extra time with that verse. Bring these emotions and thoughts to God in prayer.

Continue meditating line by line until you have finished the passage.

Come to a stopping point with the craft so that you can spend some time in prayer and journaling.

Wrap up with a time of prayer to God expressing how the Scripture impacts you. Finish with a few moments of stillness and silence before God.

Then, take some time to journal about your time meditating on the passage.

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