In this activity, we use the Lord’s Prayer as a template for looking to God and depending on him for our core needs.
When Jesus instructs his disciples to pray, he reminds them to beware of two dangers: praying to impress others and praying to impress God. Instead, he calls his disciples to pray in secret, and to pray simply, remembering that God our Father knows our every need before we even begin our prayer. With these instructions, Jesus then outlines a simple prayer that reorients us to what deep, unadorned dependence on God looks like day to day.
In the example of the Lord’s Prayer, we not only have a template for daily dependence, but we also get a glimpse into Jesus’s perspective on what are our true core needs. As we pray, let us actively trust that our Savior’s priorities and perspective truly address the deepest needs of our hearts and lives.
In this activity, slowly work through the Lord’s Prayer, line by line. Read a line or sentence from the prayer and then pause. Dwell on what Jesus is saying. Then, personalize that line of the prayer using your own words and talking to God about how it connects to your own life, mind, and heart. After you are done with the line, proceed to the next line or sentence and repeat this pattern of reading, pausing, and personalized prayer.
Alternate Format
If you find it difficult to personalize the prayer, you can also use the following questions to help guide your prayer time.
Our Father in heaven,
- Talk to God as your good Father who is king over all.
- Thank and praise God for what it means that you are his child.
let your name be kept holy,
- As a child of the King, desire that his name and his glory would be great.
- Worship your holy God.
- Are there places in your life, relationships, or the world where you long for God to be more fully loved and honored? Talk to God about this.
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
- Talk to God about the full surrender of your life and your will to His.
- Where do you long for God’s kingdom and will to be more fully seen and done? Talk to God about this.
Give us today our daily bread.
- What do you need God to supply and provide today? Remember, the emphasis is on dependence for today.
- Ask God to supply what you need today.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
- Is there anything specific you need to confess to God? How have you resisted or disobeyed God in your actions, words, desires, and thoughts? Honestly confess these to God.
- Thank God for the full cleansing you have in Jesus.
- Are you holding anything against anyone? Do you have feelings of irritation, resentment, bitterness, or anger? Take some time to lay these down and consciously forgive any who have wronged you.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
- Talk to God about your need to follow closely the lead of your Shepherd.
- Are there any particular areas of temptation in your life, or lies that you are struggling with? Talk to God about these and ask for his strong protection and deliverance.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen
- Praise your heavenly Father who is the strong and glorious King of all creation.
- Close with a moment of humble, trust and stillness before God, knowing that he has heard your prayer.