Which of the following would be most helpful to you for remembering, processing, and praying over your reflections? For any of the following possibilities, you could cut out words and pictures to make a collage, make a scrapbook page, or use art supplies like markers, colored pencils, paints, etc.
Ebenezer “til now the Lord has helped us” – Remembering how God has worked
Create a page that expresses how you have seen God work over the last year. This can include the high points and joys, as well as how you have seen God at work in the difficulties and valleys. Are there any specific Scriptures that you would like to incorporate into the collage? This could be a verse that has been significant to you this year, or a passage that sums up something of your experience. Is there a keyword or theme that expresses how you have seen God work?
Visual Prayer – Expressing our dependence
Put together a page that expresses your heart, prayer, and dependence upon God as you walk into this coming year. What are you asking God for this year? What specific promises from God’s word connect to your hopes and longings for this next year? This could be a prayer for you, for others, or both. You may want to use pictures, cut out words, journal on the page, etc.
Lament – Bringing God our sorrows
When our hearts are experiencing strong and difficult emotions, it is very helpful to bring these things honestly before God in prayer. What are the situations and emotions that you would specifically like to lay before God? What specific help do you need from him? It may be very helpful to model your reflection and prayer off of a lament Psalm. The activity “Praying the Psalms” has a list of possible Psalms to consider. How can you express the emotions, situation, and prayer to God through pictures, colors, and words? How can your collage express both the grief you have experienced and a trust in God in the dark valley?