You may find it helpful to read the chapter Intro to Scripture Meditation before trying any of the Scripture meditation activities.
In Scripture, God often uses different pictures and analogies from creation and daily life to help us understand spiritual truths. As we meditate on these passages, it can sometimes be helpful to remind ourselves of the images God is using.
In this activity, choose a verse or passage of Scripture that you want to meditate on. Then, find a place where you can see or interact with the imagery used in the passage (examples below). Use one of the previous meditation activities to meditate on the selected passage (Walking with a Text, Sitting with a Text, Time with a Text, etc.).
Take some time to journal about your time meditating on the passage.
Group Option
This activity can be done as a group by following the instructions for the Time with a Text activity. Make sure that each person is sitting where they can see or interact with the imagery used in the passage. If sitting in a circle does not allow for this, adjust accordingly.
Possible Scriptures for Meditation
By a river
Jeremiah 17:5-8 — He is like a tree planted by water
Revelation 22:1-5 — The river of the water of life,
flowing from the throne of God
Near a field, or looking at plants with seeds
Luke 8:4-15 — The parable of the sower
Looking at flowers or a bird feeder
Luke 12:22-34 — Do not be anxious
By a large tree
Isaiah 61:1-3 — Oaks of righteousness
By the ocean, or looking at large mountains
Isaiah 40:12-18 — To whom then will you liken God?
In a cemetery
Ezekiel 37:1-14 — The valley of dry bones
John 11:17-27 or John 11:38-44 — The raising of Lazarus
With flowers in clay pots or in a vase
2 Corinthians 4:7-18 — Treasure in jars of clay
While stargazing
Psalm 8 — O Lord, how majestic is your name