You may find it helpful to read the chapter Intro to Scripture Meditation before trying any of the Scripture meditation activities.
For some, reading and writing are very helpful tools for processing on Scripture, expressing prayers, etc. For this meditation time, choose a passage and print or write it on a full piece of paper. Leaving space between the lines is helpful. This activity can be done with any passage, but may get a little busy with longer texts.
Begin by being still and committing your time to God.
Read slowly through the passage once. As questions, connections, reactions, prayers, etc. come to your mind and heart, write them down next to the relevant word, phrase, or verse. Try not to make this an analysis of the text, but a written prayer and written notes of how God is using His Word in your mind and heart.
After going through the passage once, read it slowly again, writing additional thoughts or prayers as you go. Repeat this process as you find helpful (2-4 times is a good place to start).
Once you’re done, finish with a few moments of stillness before God. If helpful, you can journal some of your reflections and your experience meditating on the passage.
Other possibilities
Use two colors of pen/pencil to differentiate: 1) the prayers, questions, thoughts you want to express to God and 2) the ways you see God using His Word in you — encouragement, conviction, teaching, etc.