Engaging Mind and Heart

This activity is a modification of some of the basic meditation activities. The goal of the modifications is to help you intentionally focus on engaging both your mind/thoughts and heart/emotions with a passage of Scripture. Two different format options are given below. Choose one based on your personal preference and also the length of the passage you would like to meditate on. The Time with a Text option works well for most Scripture passages and is quite flexible. The Shift in Emphasis option is focused on meditating on a single verse or sentence.

Be gracious with yourself! Some people may find it easier to engage their minds, but more difficult to engage their emotions — and vice versa. And for some, it may be difficult to actually differentiate between mind and heart responses. It’s valuable to both recognize your natural tendencies in prayer, and that the same time to be willing to try something new. Be patient if some aspects of an activity feel a little uncomfortable.

Option 1: Time with a Text

In this activity you will use a timer to give space for each step of the Scripture meditation. Try to choose a timer with a quiet/peaceful alarm sound. Once you have selected a short scripture passage for meditation, work through the following steps.


Set a timer for around 3 minutes. Sit in a comfortable position and take a minute to be still and silent—this can help prepare our minds and hearts to listen to God’s Word. It may be helpful to close your eyes during this time. Commit any anxieties or distractions to God, and seek to rest in him, knowing that he is with you. A short prayer or verse can sometimes help us set our minds on things above, and calm and quiet our souls. 

Example verses:
“For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him.” Psalm 62:5
“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

Reading – Engaging Your Mind

Turn to the text and read it out loud slowly 2-3 times. Don’t rush.

As you read, what do you notice in the text? What makes you think? Be curious. How does this passage interact with your understanding of yourself, God, and the world?

Meditation – Engaging Your Mind

Set a timer for around 5 minutes. During this time, dwell on the passage you just read and allow it to engage your mind. Talk with God about your understanding of the passage, what he is saying to you, and any thoughts, doubts, or dissonance that the passage evokes in your mind. You can have your eyes open or closed for this portion. Continue until the timer goes off.

Reading – Engaging Your Heart

Turn to the text again, and read it out loud slowly another 2-3 times. Don’t rush.

This time, as you read, pay attention to how God’s word interacts with your heart, desires, and emotions. What strikes you? Are there any words, phrases, ideas, or images that evoke a response in your heart (whether positive or negative)?

Meditation – Engaging Your Heart

Set a timer for around 5 minutes. During this time, dwell on the passage again and allow it to engage your heart. Talk with God about how the passage impacts you and how you feel about it. Continue meditating on the passage until the timer goes off.


Finish with a few moments of stillness and silence before God.

Then, take some time to journal about the impact his Word has had on your mind and heart.

Option 2: A Shift in Emphasis

This activity can be helpful for meditating on a short single verse or short phrase. Do not do this activity with anything longer than a short sentence from Scripture. For all meditation, it is important to understand the passage and its context. This is especially vital in an activity like this when we are focusing on only a few words. This activity can be done either sitting or walking.


Spend a few moments in stillness and silence before the Lord. Commit the time of Scripture meditation to God in prayer.

Round One – Engaging Your Mind

Open to the passage and read it slowly. On the first read-through, put special emphasis or focus on the first word. Pause. What does this emphasis make you think and how does it interact with your understanding of yourself, God, and the world? Talk with God about how it engages and impacts your mind and thoughts.

Repeat the passage again, but shifting emphasis to the next word. Continue with this pattern, rereading the passage and focusing on the next word until every word has been emphasized. Pause after each reading to dwell on the text and on each word.

Round Two – Engaging Your Heart

Go to the passage again and read it slowly. On the first read-through, again put special emphasis or focus on the first word. Pause. How does this emphasis strike you? Does it evoke any response in your heart, desires, and emotions? Talk with God about how it engages and impacts your heart.

As in round one, repeat the passage again, but shifting emphasis to the next word. Continue with this pattern, rereading the passage and focusing on the next word until every word has been emphasized. Pause after each reading to dwell on the text and its impact on your heart.


Finish with a few moments of stillness and silence before God. After this, take some time to journal about the impact his Word has had on your mind and heart.

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