Choosing Passages for Meditation

  • Passages that have been impactful to you in your devotional times are a great place to start.
  • Passages that give key insights into who God is, what God has done, our relationship to God, or living as a child of God are very helpful.
  • Try meditating on different genres: poetry, prose, narrative, parables/metaphors, etc.
  • Generally, shorter passages are easier to dwell on, 1-10 verses can be a helpful rule of thumb. You may find it helpful to break up longer passages and meditate on the individual sections over a few days.

Possible Scriptures for Meditation


Colossians 1:15-20

1 Peter 1:3-9

Jeremiah 31:10-14

Micah 7:18-20 

Hope for Believers

Romans 8:31-39

Ephesians 3:14-21

Hebrews 10:19-25

Revelation 22:1-5

God’s Character

Exodus 34:5-9

Psalm 139:1-14

Isaiah 40:21-31

Hosea 11:1-9

Romans 11:33-36

Life with God

Psalm 23

Psalm 62:5-8

Psalm 100

Psalm 131

Isaiah 30:15-18

Jeremiah 17:5-8

John 12:23-26

1 Corinthians 13

Hebrews 12:1-3

Jesus’ Works

Mark 4:35-41

Mark 10:46-52

Jesus’ Teaching

Matthew 5:1-12

Matthew 6:25-34

John 10:7-15

John 15:1-11

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