Reflection – Online – November 14/15

How have you seen God work this year? How has God been leading you and what do you face as you move forward?

This reflection and prayer retreat gives time, space, and structure to prayerfully reflect on where you have seen God moving and what it means to walk forward in trust and dependence. The goal of this time is not to make resolutions, but to consider how to integrate intimacy with Jesus into the rhythms of your life, committing all that has been and will be to our good Shepherd.

Reflection is Part 9 of the Let the Thirsty Come retreat series. Over the course of this 9-part series, we are exploring different facets of spending extended, quality time with God. The retreat is open to adults and teens, ages 15 and up. All believers are welcome; you do not need to be a member of South Boulder Bible Church to attend. Each part of the Let the Thirsty Come retreat series is a stand-alone event, so you do not need to attend all parts, and no previous participation is necessary for attending this retreat.

This retreat is the online version of the Thanks and Praise half-day retreat. If you are able to attend one of the in-person events, that would be highly recommended. The online version is provided for those whose schedule or travel limitations make the in-person events not feasible.

This retreat has both a online and off-line portion. The total amount of time for all activities is around 4 hours.

The two video calls for this retreat will be on:
1. Thursday, November 14 at 6:30 PM, Mountain Time (check your timezone here – please check the timezone, as the US will go through daylight savings change before this retreat)
2. Thursday, November 21 at 6:30 PM, Mountain Time

Rough outline:

  1. Online video call – brief devotional and introduction to the retreat (45 to 60 minutes)
  2. Participants will have 1 week of time to complete some structured activities focused on:
    • Reflection on the past year
    • Scripture meditation
    • Considering how to integrate patterns of intimacy with Jesus into your life
      (about 2 hours total)
  3. Follow-up video call – a second video call in order to share with one another (45 to 60 minutes)
  • Date : November 14, 2024 - November 21, 2024
  • Time : 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm (America/Denver)
  • Venue : online

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